Business and Economics

  • Abschluss: Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
  • Umfang: 6 Semesters, 180 ECTS Punkte
  • Studienart: Präsenzstudium, Vollzeit
  • Unterrichtssprache: Englisch
  • Website:

Das Bachelorprogramm

After gaining solid foundations in business and economics, including social and legal perspectives, you will apply them to practice in various projects. A broad variety of specializations and free electives will open up a wealth of exciting opportunities. Create your own profile by customizing your program to reflect your own interests.

From day one, you will be working closely together with your peers in an interactive setting. Group projects, discussions, and presentations will strengthen your interpersonal and communication skills.

A lot of BBE students also go abroad for a semester to broaden their horizons. Selected students also have the opportunity to add a year in Australia to their bachelor’s program and earn a double degree from the Queensland University of Technology.


Your aim is to work in an international environment someday, and you are ready to go the extra mile? Then apply now.

Please make sure you fulfill all admission criteria and comply with all deadlines. A selection procedure is held once a year in the spring. Applicants who successfully pass the entrance exam can enroll in the following winter semester. For detailed information, please check out our application guide.

Bachelor of Science, BSc (WU)

As a BBE graduate, you will be welcome in many professional fields and positions, such as international companies and organizations, consultancies, and start-ups.

You will also have the ideal qualifications for international master’s programs.

Structure & Content

Career Prospects

The program’s flexible structure with various individual specializations allows you to become familiar with a professional field of your choice, be it in companies or other international organizations (both profit and nonprofit/NGOs).

Business & Economics prepares you for an international career in fields such as consulting or economic analysis where capable all-rounders are sought-after. WU alumni currently work in multinational companies, consulting firms, marketing and human resource departments, accounting firms, financial institutions or founded their own start-ups and businesses.

Moreover, the program is an excellent basis if you plan to continue your academic journey by enrolling in an international master’s program at WU or in a related field at another university.


Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Wien

Telefon: 01 313 36-0 Website:

Studien der Uni