PhD Program Management
- Abschluss: Doctor of Philosophy/philosophiae doctor (PhD)
- Umfang: 6 Semesters, 180 ECTS Punkte
- Studienart: Präsenzstudium, Vollzeit
- Bildungsfeld: Wirtschaft & Management
- Unterrichtssprache: Englisch
- Website:
The PhD programme in Management allows students to pursue their own research in various sub-disciplines of management. They work with faculty members and colleagues on research projects to gain experiences in their field of study and increase skills and competences in their special field of interest.
In five sentences
- carry out your own research project
- choose among various sub-fields of management
- you are guided by experienced faculty and supported by course work
- work with other PhD students of diverse academic and cultural backgrounds
- enjoy an atmosphere of close cooperation and intellectual challenges
My career
Career opportunities
- in universities and other research institutions
- in profit and non-profit organizations
- in the public sector
Universität Innsbruck
Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck
Telefon: 0512 507-0 Website: