Doktoratsstudium der Medizinischen Wissenschaft
- Abschluss: Doktor (Dr.)
- Umfang: 6 Semesters, 180 ECTS Punkte
- Studienart: Präsenzstudium, Vollzeit
- Bildungsfeld: Gesundheit, Psychologie & Soziales
- Website:

Das Doktoratsstudium der Medizinischen Wissenschaft, betreut in unterschiedlichen Doctoral Schools, dient der Ausbildung zu selbstständigen Forschungsarbeiten im Bereich der Biomedizinischen und Klinischen Forschung.
Doctoral Program for Medical Sciences (O 790 …)
The Doctoral Program for Medical Sciences serves to equip students with the skills for conducting independent research so that they may contribute to the advancement of the medical sciences. It aims to bring about future generations of research scientists in the fields of medical and natural sciences.
The Doctoral Program for Medical Science at the Medical University of Graz is organized in Doctoral Schools. Doctoral Schools are subject areas that are responsible for the delivery of high- quality training programs in accordance with the curriculum. This includes in particular the design of course content.
The completion of a degree program in Medicine or Dental Medicine, or of a relevant scientific or technical degree program/Master’s program is required for admission to the Doctoral Program for Medical Science.The Doctoral Program for Medical Science comprises of 6 semesters full-time study, but may where required be completed extra-occupationally.
Goals and Qualification Profile
The Doctoral Program for Medical Sciences serves to equip students with the skills for conducting independent research so that they may contribute to the advancement of the medical sciences. It aims to bring about future generations of research scientists in the fields of medical and natural sciences.
Doctoral students will obtain the skills for independent academic work in a research field of the medical sciences. Due to the comprehensive and in-depth training program they will be able to formulate independent research projects based on current issues in medicine, carry them out independently, and through their findings, expand the knowledge base in the field of their specialty. Doctoral students will also be able to engage in critical analysis, evaluation and development of current scientific theories and new concepts in the medical sciences. They shall be regarded as young professionals in the medical sciences who are contributing to the development of medicine in both academic and non-academic fields of activity.
The doctoral program is both a form of education as well as a productive research activity. The curriculum focuses on a profound education qualifying students
- to independently conduct research at an international level
- to publish the results of their research in internationally recognized journals
- to present and discuss the results of their research at international conferences
- to present the results of their research in an understandable manner to the public
- to conduct subject-related discussions with other scientists in the English language
- to hold didactically prepared lectures (graduate school lectures)
The graduates will understand and observe the ethical guidelines for research (good scientific practice).
Current Version
- effective from 01.10.2016 Version 14
Aktuelle Version
- Gültig ab 01.10.2015 Version 13
- Gültig ab 01.10.2016 Version 14
Medizinische Universität Graz
Auenbruggerplatz 2, 8036 Graz
Telefon: 0316 385-0 Website: