PHD Programme in Interdisciplinary International Studies



‘Interdisciplinary International Studies’ (IIS) is a four-year programme jointly organised by the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna (DA) and the University of Vienna. The new programme is open to graduates (Master degree) who wish to pursue a research project linking at least two of the four disciplines legal studies, political science, international economics and history.

The target group of the programme comprises particularly qualified graduates who wish to work on an interdisciplinary topic under the guidance of academics from the chosen areas of study. The interdisciplinary character of this Doctoral Programme is based on the combination of at least two of the four disciplines – legal studies, political science, international economics and history – in an academic research thesis project. For further information please contact the DA’s registrar at [email protected].

During the first year (aka ‘prep year’) the students develop further their research and presentation skills while attending various seminars and courses. After developing their research proposal with the benefit of regular feedback of their supervisors, students start the second year of the programme and move onto the second stage.


Diplomatische Akademie Wien
Favoritenstraße 15A, 1040 Wien

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