
  • Abschluss: Master of Science (M. Sc.)
  • Umfang: 4 Semesters, 120 ECTS Punkte
  • Studienart: Präsenzstudium, Vollzeit
  • Unterrichtssprache: English
  • Kosten: From 4,500 EUR per semester excl. living expenses
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The MSc in Management is a two-year (full-time) consecutive management science program targeting applicants holding undergraduate degrees in business or a related field of study. The program builds a foundation in management and deepens students’ knowledge of global business competencies by preparing them for the complex and demanding international standards in general management areas. Upon completion of the degree program, graduates are equipped with the knowledge, personal skills, vision, and tools to answer the challenges companies face in the 21st century.

The program’s curriculum integrates ethics, business intelligence, sustainability, and personal development alongside general management coursework. This combination provides MSc graduates with the vision and personal growth needed for success in a world facing global competition and constant change.

Optional certificate programs offer students the flexibility to acquire deeper insight into advancing areas such Business Development, Interactive Marketing and Social Media, and Tourism and Services Management – complementary fields to their management education that give a competitive edge in global business environments. In addition, students can take advantage of integrating a customizedinternship within their curriculum.

About the Program

The MSc in Management offers a challenging, top-quality curriculum combining academic rigor with practical relevance. MSc in Management students build a solid foundation in general management and can customize their learning experience through individually chosen certificate programs, or an internship in a local or international setting.

Through elective course specializations, MGMT students can earn a certificate in Interactive Marketing and Social Media, Business Development, or Tourism and Service Management additional to their degree.

Small class sizes provide the ideal environment for collaborative learning. MSc students are challenged to examine a broad range of specific analytical topics and are given the opportunity to apply them in practical ways.  Specifically, MSc students learn multiple tools of analysis, strategy design, implementation, and organization management.

MSc students gain insight and confidence through lively classroom debates and simulations which help remove sustainability from symbolic frames, challenging students to link theory directly with practice. MSc in Management graduates will be ready to adapt skills learned both in and out of the classroom to future career challenges of a particular location or organizational context.

The program’s multidisciplinary curriculum is composed of seven unique moduleswith an optional seventh, providing students with a comprehensive framework in research methods and management, as well as field-specific content in economics, leadership, marketing, social psychology, and sustainability. In the fifth module students can choose to specialize in Tourism and Services Management, Sustainable Management, or Interactive Marketing and Social Media.

Module 1 Economics and Research Methods
Module 2 Integrated Management
Module 3 Innovation and ICT
Module 4 Leadership and Personal Skills
Module 5 Electives / Certificates
Module 6 Master’s Thesis
Module 7 Internship or Excellence Program (Optional)

The program emphasizes the knowledge, capabilities, and attributes students need to become ethical business leaders prepared for the challenges of the future.

Strengths of an MSc Degree: Set Yourself Apart

  • Multidisciplinary context, unique curriculum, and customized research opportunities
  • Emphasis on critical thinking, collaborative learning, and addressing 21st-century challenges
  • Exposure to emerging eco-friendly conceptual tools and management skills
  • Small class sizes taught by key experts
  • Globally-oriented university environment with English as the lingua-franca
  • Graduates ready to fill in-demand positions in a wide variety of public and private organizations

Academic Diversity

Students from diverse academic and professional backgrounds are welcome in MU’s MSc in Management program. The MU admissions team counsels students from non-traditional backgrounds on what courses they might need to take in order to succeed in the MSc program. Depending on their academic background, some incoming students may be required to complete to prerequisite courses in the bachelor program. Students with prerequisite requirements also have the opportunity to complete an exam and test out of requirement rather than sitting the course.


Overview of Core, Specialized, and Enrichment Courses offered within the program.



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